Smart Hospital
Vsmartcity hospital solutions address the increasing complexity of managing today’s healthcare environments. On one hand, healthcare organizations are under pressure to deliver quality patient care while improving clinical outcomes and operational efficiency.
For smart hospitals to work, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. It takes a complex integration of myriad technologies — that is, having systems “speak” to one another while absorbing and reacting to data. Disparate clinical, IT and facility technologies including heating, ventilation, cooling, energy, fire prevention, nurse call, patient wards, operating theaters, security, telephony and others have to come together for smart hospitals to work.
Automated queuing system
Customer queue management systems with the latest technology and modern design. Appointment, Customer Feedback, Voice recording, Alerting, Rule system. Digital Signage.

Smart Glass
Create a pleasant environment for patients and healthcare workers with smart privacy glass. Natural light promotes positivity, wards off depression and helps regulate sleep cycles.
Self tinting smart glass feature maximizes daylight without the glare. When the sun is at its peak intensity the glass will be at its darkest so the mental and physical health benefits of sunlight can be enjoyed all day long.
Ambulance Fleet Management system
Solution provides real-time visibility of ambulances based on GPS, GSM, GPRS and LBS with automatic dispatch system.

Interactive Kiosks
Interactive kiosks are self-service solutions that provide audiences with engaging digital content and information through a user-friendly interface. The most advantage of kiosk combined with digital signge in healthcare facility is providing information in real-time.
Vsmart-Locker is an advanced storage solution for Hospitals and Medical Facilities, Providing excellent storage of supplies, including medical equipment, medications, bed linens, hot foods and utensils personal for doctors, nurses, medical staff, patients, caregivers, visitors to use. Smart lock systems incorporate stackable locker modules for custom construction to your exact needs with process control and automation features. The system allows quick access, decentralization, security, usage history lookup and many other superior smart utilities.